The Team
Michigan Athletics Communications Design

I am currently interning with the University of Michigan Athletic Department for my second year as a Graphic Designer. My responsibilities include using the Adobe Creative Suite to produce a high volume of print and digital assets to support the promotion of the University’s athletic programs, its teams and events. Examples of projects I have worked on include creating logos, posters, flyers, billboards, event programs, apparel, newsletters, and info-graphics for Michigan Athletic programs. Several of the sports I have worked on the following U-M athletic teams: Basketball, Football, Ice Hockey, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Wrestling, Swimming & Diving, Golf and Lacrosse.
Big House 5K 2019 Branding

As a graduating high school senior I participated in a collaborative project with two other classmates. We were tasked to redesign our school and desgin a public transportation system as the traditional method caused traffic and disrupted local business. Our project was awarded first place from a panel of practicing architect and industrial designers. The project was put on display in a local furniture design store and was showcased at the 2015 Pritzker Prize anual meeting in Miami, Florida. Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Richard Rodgers, Tom Maine, and Frank Gherry were all in attendance.
Transportation Research

Residential to Urban System Hub Book Pages

Train Station Renderings

Design and Architecture Senior HIgh School Renderings

Design and Architecture Senior High Book

Package Drawings

Project Documentation