The Team
Michigan Athletics Communications Design

I am currently interning with the University of Michigan Athletic Department for my second year as a Graphic Designer. My responsibilities include using the Adobe Creative Suite to produce a high volume of print and digital assets to support the promotion of the University’s athletic programs, its teams and events. Examples of projects I have worked on include creating logos, posters, flyers, billboards, event programs, apparel, newsletters, and info-graphics for Michigan Athletic programs. Several of the sports I have worked on the following U-M athletic teams: Basketball, Football, Ice Hockey, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Wrestling, Swimming & Diving, Golf and Lacrosse.
Big House 5K 2019 Branding

The average person takes between 2,000-5,000 steps a day, the majority of these steps is taken unconsciously making it easy to overlook that every step taken leaves a trace. As foot traffic continues to happen on these surfaces, tracks form, evidencing the transient presence of a community of people who share the same daily commute, these tracks are called desire paths.

The intention of this project is to highlight these accidental passages by ornamenting them with daffodils in hand-made planter boxes. The choice of daffodils is an important one in relation to the ornamentation of these accidental passages. Narcissus, the genus name of the daffodil, was a mythological character who fell in love with the reflection and image of his own beauty. As we intend to beautify these passages it is important to not the narcissistic nature of our action as we are focusing on the beautification and appearance of our site.


Because of the planter beds’ simple and rectilinear design, their shape comes to resemble a hyphen or dash in a sentence. Much like how a dash in a sentence serves to bridge two words, to show duration/continuity, and to draw attention to the content it encloses-- our planter beds call attention to/beautify the area they adorn--emphasizing the transient presence of a community of people.
Presentation Board