The Team
Michigan Athletics Communications Design

I am currently interning with the University of Michigan Athletic Department for my second year as a Graphic Designer. My responsibilities include using the Adobe Creative Suite to produce a high volume of print and digital assets to support the promotion of the University’s athletic programs, its teams and events. Examples of projects I have worked on include creating logos, posters, flyers, billboards, event programs, apparel, newsletters, and info-graphics for Michigan Athletic programs. Several of the sports I have worked on the following U-M athletic teams: Basketball, Football, Ice Hockey, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Wrestling, Swimming & Diving, Golf and Lacrosse.
Big House 5K 2019 Branding
Modularity exists all around us in our daily lives. Developing a module is fundamental to any design process to help focus the intention and solvability. A module can serve not only as a high fidelity finished product but also as a process model to further help iterate on design ideas. Here, I developed my own unique module to create a larger system in which basic design principles exist.
Stage 1 Prototype
With my first prototype, I focused mostly on testing the modularity of my design. I created the shape of my design from scoring and bending cardboard, adding structural reinforcements to hold the shape.

Stage 2 Lasercut Prototype
Knowing that my shape was modular in its nature, I proceeded to create a model in Rhinoceros3D. I used this to laser cut my design and puzzle the pieces together.

The modularity in my design allows for me to create a variety of combinations, as seen in the images.Depending on how you arrange the module,
different structures can be made.

A weakness in my design process can be attributed to my rushed manufacturing process. When I was making my laser cuts, I designed for perfect right angle joints held together by teeth that would friction fit. However, there are four connections that happen at a 45 degree angle, something I did not design around. I prioritized these 45 degree joints in my next iteration.
Stage 2 Lasercut Prototype

I decided to wrap both faces of my modular unit in vinyl. Intended to cover the inner structure, the vinyl allows for the shape of my unit to become the main focus, allowing for experimentation in how the shapes come to interact with one another.

I decided to wrap both faces of my modular unit in vinyl. Intended to cover the inner structure, the vinyl allows for the shape of my unit to become the main focus, allowing for experimentation in how the shapes come to interact with one another.
The surfaces in contact MUST have the same COLOR

Final Documentation

Instructional Drawings

In order to correctly play with the blocks, it is crucial that only the faces with the same color come into contact with each other.